What We Are About
We are Christ-Centered in our lives
People-Focused in our ministry
Bible-Based in our teaching
​Pentecostal in our worship and witness


Our Goals
Fulfill the Great Commission 
Reach the Unchurched
Change the World

Remnant Youth & Kids and Gracia de Dios Classes

Our youth programs help children learn to navigate those toughest of years.

Wednesday 7pm in the Webb Building.

Dinner is served at 6:15pm

Sunday Services

Sunday School at 10am

Worship at 11am

Gracia de Dios at 10am (Webb Building)

Bible Study

Wednesday at 7pm in the main sanctuary

Our Pastors

Alice and I are so blessed to have been called, back in 1994, to shepherd this family of faith. The Clinton Church of God is a wonderful place to call home. A home is that place that feels comfortable and safe and so our church is home. The Clinton Church of God is a vibrant family of believers who show the love of our Lord and Savior. Though we come from different backgrounds and different places we have a common unity which can only be described as from God. As each of us takes our place in the family we will not only be a blessing to each other, but we will continue to have an impact on our community.

Curtis Akers

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